Our Philosophy - Treating med spa customers can be challenging given how all people & their situations differ. Anything you can do to make the process easier for them, making them feel more comfortable & confident in your services, serves everyone best in the long run.
Med Spa History
In decades past, a trip to a med spa was like a mini-vacation. Spas were more like resorts because you'd stay for a few days, and their expense meant they were luxuries most often reserved for the rich and famous.
Or you'd have to visit a dermatologist, and a slew of other doctors to get similar type skin treatment. Today there's another type of spa available now - the local med spa.
Today's Local Med Spa
Now you can work on weight loss and body tightening not far from your home, without a gym. Laser hair removal and Laser scarring treatment are popular services offered at most spas. Botox & other injectables like dermal fillers can be achieved all in one place! One of the most important things to look for with a spa is a Medical Director behind the spa.
Licensed Director & Staff
Choosing the right med spa for you is about location, affordability, expertise, and of course, proven results and professional services. The best way to ensure you are at a trustworthy place is to make sure they have a licensed board Medical Director behind the practice.
In addition - make sure you chosen spa has at least 5-10 years operating experience. Make sure the service providers are registered estheticians or nurses and have at least 5 years advanced training in their treatment discipline.
Med Spa First-Timer
It's vital that your first experience be educational with a proper consultation on what is best for you. Make sure the local med spa you are choosing is taking these steps. The best med spas offer a Free Consultation to help you understand what's best for your med spa needs.
Best Med Spa Reviews
Make sure you are reading the reviews on Yelp & Google about other patients experiences with the local med spa you are considering. There will always be one or two bad experiences just by human nature, but you can see quickly if the med spa has an established following and is taking care of their customers to optimum satisfaction. The greatest review can be one of repeat service that recommends you try the facility for yourself.